Category: Video


The Ox and the Frog (Aesop’s fables)

AN OX drinking at a pool trod on a brood of young frogs and crushed one of them to death. The Mother coming up, and missing one of her sons, inquired of his brothers...


The Cat and the Birds (Aesop’s fables) by Aesop

A CAT, hearing that the Birds in a certain aviary were ailing dressed himself up as a physician, and, taking his cane and a bag of instruments becoming his profession, went to call on...


The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf (Aesop’s fables) by Aesop

A SHEPHERD-BOY, who watched a flock of sheep near a village, brought out the villagers three or four times by crying out, “Wolf! Wolf!” and when his neighbors came to help him, laughed at...

0 is on YouTube

  With great joy I announce that is now on YouTube. From time to time I will record folk- and fairytales and put them on the channel. I still encourage you to read the...


Jupiter and the Monkey (Aesop’s fables) by Aesop

JUPITER ISSUED a proclamation to all the beasts of the forest and promised a royal reward to the one whose offspring should be deemed the handsomest. The Monkey came with the rest and presented,...