TORTOISES HUNTING OSTRICHES (South-African Folk-Tales, 1910) by James A. Honey

One day, it is said, the Tortoises held a council how they might hunt Ostriches, and they said, “Let us, on both sides, stand in rows near each other, and let one go to hunt the Ostriches, so that they must flee along through the midst of us.” They did so, and as they were many, the Ostriches were obliged to run along through the midst of them. During this they did not move, but, remaining always in the same places, called each to the other, “Are you there?” and each one answered, “I am here.” The Ostriches hearing this, ran so tremendously that they quite exhausted their strength, and fell down. Then the Tortoises assembled by-and-by at the place where the Ostriches had fallen, and devoured them.
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